
International Student Perspective: A Day in the Life of a Nigerian Student in the UK

Studying abroad is an exciting adventure, filled with new experiences and opportunities. For Nigerian students in the UK, each day offers a blend of cultural integration, academic challenges, and personal growth. This blog post delves into a typical day, showcasing the unique aspects of life as an international student.

Morning Routine

Waking Up and Getting Ready

Adjusting to a new time zone can be one of the first challenges for Nigerian students. In the UK, typical wake-up times might be earlier than back home, especially during winter when the mornings are darker and colder. The morning routine often starts with personal hygiene, a task made interesting by the colder climate necessitating warmer showers and moisturizing routines to combat the dry air. For many Nigerian students, starting the day with prayer or reflection is crucial, providing a sense of grounding and comfort in a new environment.

Breakfast Choices

Breakfast is a mix of embracing local flavors and holding onto traditional tastes. Common British options like toast, cereal, or a hearty English breakfast offer convenience, but many Nigerian students also crave familiar foods. Incorporating dishes like pap (fermented corn pudding), akara (bean cakes), or boiled yam can bring a taste of home to the UK. Local ethnic shops and markets often stock Nigerian ingredients, making it easier to maintain traditional dietary habits.

Academic Life

Attending Classes

The academic structure in the UK can be quite different from Nigeria. Classes often start early, with a typical schedule featuring a mix of lectures, seminars, and tutorials. UK universities emphasize an interactive and discussion-based approach, contrasting with the more lecture-focused style common in Nigeria. This encourages students to participate actively, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Nigerian students might initially find this daunting but soon adapt, finding their voice in the collaborative learning environment.

Studying and Assignments

Study habits also undergo a transformation. The UK offers a plethora of study spaces, from quiet library corners to vibrant student lounges. Effective study techniques include time management strategies like the Pomodoro technique or utilizing digital tools for organization. Assignments in the UK often involve continuous assessment, requiring consistent effort throughout the term rather than relying solely on final exams. This shift can be challenging, but with proper planning, it leads to a more balanced academic life.

Social Life

Making Friends

Cultural differences are inevitable, but they also present opportunities for growth. Joining clubs and societies is an excellent way to meet new people and build friendships. Whether it’s through sports, cultural groups, or academic societies, these interactions enrich the student experience. Interacting with local and international students broadens horizons, while technology helps maintain connections with family and friends back in Nigeria. Balancing these relationships is key to a fulfilling social life.

Extracurricular Activities

Beyond academics, a vibrant social scene awaits. Campus events like student union activities, cultural nights, and sports events offer fun and engagement. Exploring the local area, attending cultural festivals, and visiting historical sites add to the excitement. Volunteering and part-time work provide opportunities for career development and cultural integration, teaching valuable skills while balancing work and study commitments.

Evening Routine

Dinner and Relaxation

Evenings are a time to unwind and recharge. Cooking at home often involves a fusion of British and Nigerian cuisines, with recipes that blend the best of both worlds. For those who prefer dining out, the UK boasts restaurants offering authentic Nigerian or African cuisine. Socializing with friends at local cafés, pubs, or student lounges provides relaxation and enjoyment, while personal time for hobbies, reading, or watching TV helps students decompress.

Preparing for the Next Day

Preparation is key to staying on top of academic responsibilities. Reviewing the day’s work and planning for the next day ensures a smooth and productive routine. Using planners and digital tools helps track assignments and deadlines, promoting organization and reducing stress.

Reflections and Advice

Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Cultural adjustment and academic pressure are common challenges. Homesickness can be mitigated by building a support network of friends and mentors. Embracing the local culture while staying connected to Nigerian roots creates a balanced and fulfilling experience. Academic pressure can be managed by seeking support from tutors and utilizing campus resources.

Personal Growth and Opportunities

Studying abroad fosters significant personal growth. Independence, adaptability, and cross-cultural communication are invaluable skills gained from this experience. These skills not only enhance personal development but also open up future career opportunities and broaden perspectives.


Each day in the life of a Nigerian student in the UK is a journey of discovery and growth. From adjusting morning routines to navigating academic and social landscapes, the experience is enriching and transformative. Prospective students are encouraged to embrace this opportunity, as it promises a wealth of experiences and personal growth. Share your own experiences and tips in the comments below, and join a community of support and shared knowledge.

We hope this detailed account helps prospective students prepare for and embrace the unique journey of studying in the UK. At chalglobal.education, we’re committed to supporting international students every step of the way.